Discover The Simple “HMC” Formula To Break ANY Weight Loss Plateau, Supercharge Your Workout, and Boost Your Energy Naturally In Less Than 13 Minutes…

Are You Leveraging the True Power of HIIT to Accelerate Fat Loss… Or Just Winging It?  


From the Desk of: Kate Vidulich
Exercise Physiologist, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT

Are you still struggling to get lean and toned?

kate bio pic

Are you desperate — and ready to give up — because no matter what you try, or how hard you work to shrink your belly, you still take two GIANT steps backward for every step forward?

Imagine how much better your life would be if you were finally able to be in complete control of your weight loss. Or wake up in the morning knowing you NEVER had to worry about your fat rolls hanging over your pants.

Even better, think what it would be like to no longer feel like a failure, just because you can’t seem to lose your belly fat, no matter what you try.

Sound like a dream? It doesn’t have to be…

Let me help you quickly and easily get a flat, toned stomach with a plan that likely defies everything you currently THINK you know about exercising!

Why I Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Kate_biopicHey, I’m Kate Vidulich and for the last 10+ years, I’ve had great success coaching men and women just like you, who want to lose weight and get lean and toned.

In case you didn’t already know, I’m the most motivating, high energy coach you’ll EVER meet. And not in a cheesey way, either. I’m down to earth and real with you… No “fluff”. No BS. No attitude.

During my 10+ years helping well over 11,453 people just like you become leaner, lose stubborn fat, and feel more energy, I’ve learned a LOT about what it takes to get a flat stomach and toned, sculpted body. I have even been featured in mega-popular magazines like Men’s Fitness and Oxygen.


And through constant trial and error, I’ve discovered the safest, easiest, most efficient steps to get there!

I’ll tell you about them in just a minute. But first, there’s something I need to clear up…

If you’ve been struggling to lose bell fat once and for all — and failing miserably — you need to understand that…

It’s NOT Your Fault!

Especially if you’ve been getting bombarded with TERRIBLE advice your entire life that basically guarantees you
will never lose belly fat quickly.

Here’s why…

The Dirty Little Secret You NEED To Know…

The Fitness Industry Wants You To FAIL!!

That’s right…

The sad truth is, the mainstream fitness industry does NOT want you to be successful.

I know it sounds crazy, but the thing is, most “health” companies are designed to do one thing: make money selling you fitness products.

But how many products could they sell if you were actually fit? None, right? 

So they’ve flooded the market with useless “quick fix” systems, miracle supplements and pills, questionable detox cleanses,  gadgets, and other junk that does NOTHING but give you false hope that maybe, just maybe, this will be the one thing that works to help you lose your weight and get a flat, toned abs.

And when it doesn’t work, you feel like MORE of a failure, become MORE desperate, and buy something else. And when that doesn’t work, your self-esteem takes another hit, and you buy something else. And so on… and so on…

Sound familiar?

Don’t you owe it to yourself to put an end to the cycle of guilt, failure, and shame, and finally reach the fitness goals you’ve been dreaming of?

Introducing Cardio Complexes: The Quickest Way To Burn Fat Safely and Effectively… Guaranteed!

cardio complexes web

Knowing the truth about the fitness industry, I decided to create a fun, fast solution to help real people like you enjoy the satisfaction of finally getting lean and toned…

… Using sound, proven scientific fitness principles and real-world experience, rather than smoke and mirrors.

So I took everything I learned from 10+ years and tens of thousands of dollars spent on studying from the top Exercise Physiologists (plus privately testing on my clients), and put it into a simple system that you can use to get the lean, defined body you’ve been dreaming of…

… No useless gadgets, toys, or pills required!

I call this fat burning system Cardio Complexes, and these workouts use my “Hybrid Metabolic Complex” formula and require nothing but a pair of dumbbells and 8.3 square foot of space….

I’ll walk you, step by step, through the entire process of getting a flat, toned belly without the cycle of failure, the endless disappointment, and the mediocre results. 

This system will work for anyone, regardless of current fitness level. It’s also super simple to do, and takes just a few minutes a day.

Thanks to my breakthrough system, you’ll discover exactly what you need to do to overcome every last obstacle that’s stopping you from slimming down and being lean all year round.

In fact, this is the fastest and safest way to lose belly fat, sculpt muscle in all the right places and avoid the dreaded rebound weight gain. You’ll get the toned, sculpted body you’ve always wanted… guaranteed.

When You Follow My Step-by-Step Cardio Complexes System, You’ll Discover How To…

  • Improve Your Cardiovascular Aerobic System WITHOUT DOING CARDIO
  • Boost Muscle Endurance and Sculpt Definition in Your Arms
  • Supercharge Your Metabolism and Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally
  • Burn a Ton of Calories and Crank Your Afterburn Effect
  • Spend Very Little Time Exercising and Get BETTER Results… less than 13 minutes for total body workout!

Here’s Exactly What You Get When  You Get Started With Cardio Complexes Today:

Component 1: Cardio Complexes System (Valued at $29.99)

  • Top 12 never-seen-before workout complexes you can add to your current program that will burn more calories and skyrocket your metabolism in the next 28 days.
  • How to quickly whisk away trapped fat cells using unique, low-impact exercise sequences that use my Hybrid Metabolic Complex formula and require only a pair of dumbbells.
  • Step-by-step progressions suitable for ANY fitness level (from beginner to advanced) you can do anytime, anywhere in just 13-15 minutes
  • And sooo much more…


Component 2: Exercise Library (Valued at $29.99)

In The Exercise Library you will discover:

  • Over 95 pages of unique bodyweight fat burning exercises that you can do anytime, anywhere.
  • High quality photos and descriptions of every single exercise in the program, with step-by-step instructions to execute the moves with perfect form.
  • Challenging but time saving exercises that burn the maximum amount of fat. I’ll show you how to make each exercise easier or harder, depending on your fitness level.
  • And soooooo much more!


Component 3: Exclusive VIP Community Access (Valued at $497)

  • Start your 14-day FREE trial of the Metabolic Fitness Challenge and join the hundreds of happy clients worldwide who have already begun their journey to get in the best shape of their life without a gym membership!
  • You’ll discover my unique, step-by-step program to sculpt lean muscle and lose your stubborn belly fat  – FREE for 14 days.
  • The free trial gives you access to the entire Metabolic Fitness Challenge program that you would get as a paying customer… all FREE for 14 days. You’ll get instant access to follow along videos for every workout, Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, fat burning meals, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more. It’s so simple, all you have to do is press play and follow along.

You can cancel at anytime during your trial period and you won’t be charged again. No questions asked! But I know you will be blown away with the results you’ll feel and see. I’m sure you’ll love the program, so you don’t have to do anything and your $47/month paid subscription will automatically start at the end of the 14-day trial. No contract. Go Month to Month. If you do not wish to be billed, all I have to do is cancel anytime within the first 14 days.

There’s literally ZERO risk – you’ll only be billed if you decide to keep the program after your free trial. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey to get in the best shape of your life – NOW!

What Would You Pay To Finally Be Slim and Toned, and Say Goodbye To The Disappointment and Failure … FOREVER?

You could spend $1,000s on gym membership fees, trying to lose stubborn belly fat yourself, with no help, guidance, support, or encouragement.

Or you could continue to throw $100s of dollars away on gadgets, toys, and supplements that don’t do a thing for you (except make you feel bad about yourself).

But doesn’t it make more sense to make a single, modest investment of just $7 to get Cardio Complexes, my proven, step-by-step system to replace traditional cardio, speed up your fat burning, and finally enjoy the sculpted, flat stomach you’ve been looking for?

I mean, do the math…

** MUCH better results + FAR lower price = a no-brainer, right? **

By taking action right now…


Only right here on this page…

You Can Get Started Today For Just $7!

Just click the “Add To Cart” Button below to get started now:


You’ll get instant access to the Cardio Complexes for just $7.

When you order today, you’ll also receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge on a 14 day trial for just $7 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever fooling around with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships.

After your 14 day trial for just $7, your membership will be automatically upgraded and it’s only $47/month. You’ll get the next level Metabolic Accelerators, follow along videos for every workout, brand new interviews with fitness experts, fat burning meals, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.

There is NO-obligation to stick around, and you can cancel at any time… but hurry, this offer is JUST for those that qualify.

But I Want You To Really THRIVE With This System…

So When You Get Started TODAY, I’ll Also Throw In A Super Bonus, Valued at $79.99 – FREE!

Now that you’re ready to break the cycle of disappointing results, and finally get lean and sculpted with Cardio Complexes, I want to give you as much help as we possibly can..

… So I’m throwing in a powerful FREE bonus that’s designed to work in tandem with our system to help you achieve MAXIMUM results!

This FREE SUPER bonuses includes…

Super Bonus #1: Follow Along HD Workout Videos (Valued at $79.99)

In the Follow Along HD Workout Videos you will discover:

  • You’ll know when to start, rest and the suggested tempo, along with each exercise being performed LIVE right in front of you with complete expert coaching and instruction directly to your living room.
  • I’ll be with you in real time, doing every single rep of every exercise, right there with you. Quitting is not an option when training with me!
  • Just follow the step-by-step instructions in the full follow along workout videos and feel the difference almost instantly. It’s suitable for beginners and advanced levels.
  • Each video can be streamed online or downloaded to your computer, iPad, iPhone or Android device!
  • And sooooo much more…


Add it all up, the total value of the Cardio Complexes System and BONUSES is a whopping $636.97!!

Still worried you’ll be disappointed?

You’re Covered By A RISK FREE Money Back Guarantee!

You’ll be relieved to know that there’s absolutely NO RISK in giving Cardio Complexes a try because your investment is covered by our RISK FREE money back guarantee.

That’s right…full access to this breakthrough fat burning system…

With NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.

Because I believe in what I teach and know that you will experience head turning results just like the thousands of people that I’ve helped in the past, I will not just promise life changing results – I will absolutely TRIPLE guarantee them…

Money Back Guarantee!

Guarantee1Introducing our “ZERO Risk” TRIPLE guarantee.

Guarantee #1: This Protocol Works For Any Age!
Even though it works best for men and women in their 30’s, 40’s,and 50’s, people in their 60’s and even their 70’s can use this system and get fast results. I guarantee you will see results no matter what your current level of health.

Guarantee #2: ZERO risk, Iron Clad 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try out this powerful system today! If you’re not fully satisfied, simply drop me an email anytime in the next 30 days and I’ll give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked.

Guarantee #3: Fastest Customer Support in the Industry
If you don’t receive HEROIC customer service and EASE of purchase, same guarantee… 100% of your money back!

When you claim Cardio Complexes you’ll have a full 30 days to try it out.

If, at any time during this period, you find it’s not delivering the results you’re looking for, just let us know. We’ll gladly refund every penny of your modest investment.

It doesn’t get any fairer than that!

I want to completely protect you with an iron-clad 100% money back guarantee so that you risk nothing to claim your new body with Cardio Complexes today.

Sound fair enough?

The Best Part Is… This Entire System Is Completely Downloadable, So You Will Get INSTANT ACCESS and You Can Have My New System In Your Hands RIGHT NOW – And Be On Your Way – Finally – To Get Lean and Toned!

So now you have a choice to make…

You can continue with the cycle of disappointment and defeat, trying one fad after another, never seeing any results (while your self-esteem and confidence sink further and further).

Or you can invest a modest sum of money in a foolproof, proven system for weight loss, and once and for all achieve your dream of having flat, toned abs, being lean and sculpted, and getting in the best shape of your life.

Remember, your investment is backed by a RISK FREE money back guarantee.

So you have nothing to lose… and more energy and vitality to gain!

The choice is yours! What’s it going to be…?

Take action right now…

Just Click the “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Started Today For Just $7!


When you order today, You’ll receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge for a 14 day trial of only $7 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever wasting time with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships. After your 14 day trial, your membership will be automatically upgraded and is only $47/month and it includes next level Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, follow along videos for every workout, new fat burning recipes, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.

There is no-obligation to stick around, and you can cancel at any time… but hurry, this offer is JUST for those that qualify.

 You now have all the answers you need to rapidly melt away stubborn fat and get the body you desire, and deserve.

Join me, and the thousands of men and women just like you who are finally ready to take control of their body and transform their lives forever.

Now is the time to action.

Don’t wait until January!

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside,


Kate Vidulich, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT
Exercise Physiologist
Author of Cardio Complexes
Author of Fat Loss

P.S. Remember, the $79.99 super bonus is only available for a limited time. So to get yours, you’ll need to claim Cardio Complexes right away!

P.P.S. Don’t forget, there is absolutely ZERO RISK at all for you to try the Cardio Complexes System. You have 30 days to try out this powerful protocol and discover what so many others have – a fun, safe way to lose belly fat and sculpt muscle in all the right places. If you’re not completely thrilled with your results, simply send me an email before then and I’ll promptly issue you a no-questions asked refund. There’s literally ZERO risk.



Q: How soon will I get access to the Cardio Complexes? Will I have to wait for you to ship me all this information before I can get started?

A: No! You will get access to the program immediately after your purchase in just minutes – and start using these NEW fat burning techniques today! No shipping fees, no waiting for results!

Q: What equipment do I need for these workouts?

A: The workouts require minimal basic equipment… a pair of dumbbells. You CAN do these workout at home. No fancy expensive gear is necessary.

Q: I’m not in my 20’s or 30’s. Will this program still work for someone considerably older?

A: Yes. We’ve already had plenty of people in their 50’s and 60’s experience massive success while using the program. You can start at the beginner level and still make excellent progress. The program is designed to have you losing fat fast while increasing your metabolism – no matter what age you are.

Q: What if I’m a relative beginner, or can’t do high impact exercises? Can I still use this program?

A: Yes! I wanted to make the program suitable for all levels of fitness so you can supercharge your workouts no matter what stage you’re at now. Every exercise has a low impact substitution, and I’ll show you exactly how to do every exercise in the follow along videos.

Q: What if the workouts are too hard?

A: Start conservatively. Take a longer rest between sets or reduce the number of rounds initially. Exercises can always be substituted, so send me an email and I’d be happy to help you.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Get Started Today For Just $7!


You’ll get instant access to the Cardio Complexes System for just $7!

When you order today, You’ll receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge for a 14 day trial of only $7 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever wasting time with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships. After your 14 day trial, your membership will be automatically upgraded and is only $47/month and it includes next level Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, follow along videos for every workout, new fat burning recipes, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.