7 Day Super Slim System Download Area

Thank you for ordering the 7 Day Super Slim System!

1. Please check your Email: A confirmation email was just sent to your email address, you must click on the confirmation link in that email in order to immediately receive any of the future updates made to the program.

2. Please make a note: Your Credit Card or Paypal receipt will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM (not from “bodyweightcardio500.com” or “7 day Super Slim System”)

3. You can download manuals and reports at once by right-clicking the download link next to each product and choosing “Save As” to save the files in a designated folder. Please download immediately.

Manuals, eBooks and reports should be saved on your computer’s hard drive. You can print these materials as well.

Thank you again for ordering. I look forward to hearing your success and have fun

Kate Vidulich

7 Day Super Slim Program

7 Day SS Main Manual

7 Day Super Slim Main Manual

Right Click, Save As to Download

Cookbook Meal Plan

7 Day Super Slim Meal Plan & Cookbook

Right Click, Save As to Download

Beginner Workout Plan

7 Day SS Begnner Phase 1 workouts

Beginner 7 Day Super Slim Workout Plan

Right Click, Save As to Download

7 Day SS beginer workoits

Beginner 7 Day Super Slim Follow Along Videos

Click Here to Access the Videos

Intermediate & Advanced Workout Plan

7 Day SS int adv workouts copy

Intermediate & Advanced 7 Day Super Slim Workout Plan

Right Click, Save As to Download

7 Day SS int adv workouts

Intermediate & Advanced 7 Day Super Slim Follow Along Videos

Click Here to Access the Videos


Fast Start Guide

BONUS 1: 7 Day Super Slim Fast Start Guide

Right Click, Save As to Download


BONUS 2: Top 51 Slimming Foods to Jump Start Your Day

Right Click, Save As to Download


BONUS 3: Sleep Your Way Slim: 11 Tricks To Reduce Stress and Unlock Your Fat Burning Hormones

Right Click, Save As to Download


BONUS 4: The Motivation Fix

Right Click, Save As to Download

Questions? Send email to info@fatlossaccelerators.com