Attention: Men and Women Over 35 Who Want Visibly, Defined Abs…
How A 64 Year Old Woman’s
110-Mile Swim From Cuba to Florida Holds the Little Known Secret to Getting a Flat, Toned Stomach
- Inside this article you’ll also discover:
- #1 ab-sculpting myth that is wasting your time and almost certainly preventing you from seeing your abs.
- Why most so-called fitness experts’ advice is flat out WRONG and why most ab targeted workouts are slowing your calorie burn and hurting your back.
- How to use the simple and scientific breakthrough “Metabolic Accelerator” method so you can shrink your waistline 3 times faster…

From the Desk of: Kate Vidulich
Exercise Physiologist, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT
If you’d like to flatten your stomach and sculpt toned abs… and… you’d like to do it safely and in the fastest amount of time possible… then I believe this will be one of the most important articles you ever read!
Here’s why…
I’m Kate Vidulich, and for the last 10+ years, I’ve been a successful fat loss expert, researching with top Exercise Physiologists and testing out what actually delivers rapid results…
…not just on myself, but I’ve coached and helped 11,379 people transform their body worldwide. I have even been featured in mega-popular magazines like Men’s Fitness and Oxygen.
But today…
I want to share with you…
…how a 64-year old woman’s record setting swim in shark infested waters led me down a path to discover the simple yet little known truth about getting a flatter stomach – and avoiding rebound weight gain forever. And by the way…
It’s got NOTHING to do with more exercise OR starvation diets!
You’ll also discover on this very page the little known, yet BIGGEST ab-sculpting myth that is wasting your time and almost certainly preventing you from seeing your abs. In fact, I can bet you’ve never heard this before. After all…
Most so-called fitness experts’ advice is flat out WRONG! You see, these glorified con-artists are STEALING your hard earned money with empty promises and hyped up products that in reality, can damage your back, cause bad posture and sets you up for a lifetime of pain and suffering. But it gets even worse…
Combined with the BS served up by the mass media, with their endless “miracle” pill supplements, and questionable detox cleanses… getting flat abs has become downright unattainable.
Doesn’t it make you mad?!
Add it all up, and you have a recipe for confusion and frustration… It’s no wonder 68.8% of Americans are Overweight
But I want to help you.
Sounds good, right?
Now before we go any further… I know what you’re thinking…
Because when this idea first crossed my mind, I thought the same thing…
What does a woman’s swim through the treacherous Florida Straits, a brutal stretch of water infested with sharks, deadly box jellyfish, and an unpredictable Gulf Stream, have to do with you getting a flatter stomach and a toned, sculpted body?
A LOT! Because…
While I’ve had great success with thousands of clients over my 10+ years of coaching men and women just like you, I’ve also had my fair share of personal disappointments and struggles losing 41 pounds of fat…
…and most times, the difference between success and failure comes down to this secret. Stick with me to the end of this article and I’ll share it with you, too.
But for now… Let me share my story of how I discovered a breakthrough Metabolic Accelerators (MA6) training protocol and the big secret to getting a flatter stomach… after seeing Diana Nyad’s record breaking swim.
You see, the notorious 110-mile passage from Cuba to Florida is widely considered the hardest marathon swim in the world today. In fact, it was once believed to be uncrossable.
Twenty people had tried and failed to complete the long distance swim “unassisted” without the help of a protective cage…
However, in August 2013….
64-year old Diana Nyad made history, and arrived on the shores of Key West, Florida after swimming without a shark cage for…
52 hours, 54 minutes, and 18 seconds.
If you’re amazed and surprised this is actually humanly possible at the age of 64… let me assure you, the human body is capable of ANYTHING. But only if you know the simple secret I’m about to share with you. And…
In just a sec, I’ll show you how simple it is to use Metabolic Accelerators to help you sculpt a flat, sexy stomach at any age and get you the lean, toned muscle definition you’ve always wanted.
So please… pay close attention to what I am about to say.
Here’s the BIG secret…
Did you know Diana Nyad’s success was built on her past FAILURES?
Believe it or not, she failed FOUR times before succeeding. But after each attempt, she consulted with experts, learned to adjust, and tried a new approach…
She didn’t make the same mistakes over and over again… and that’s why in the end she was successful. And…
You see, most people do the same workouts day in, day out and follow the same lousy advice… hoping that just one day, everything will magically change and their belly fat will disappear.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news… but it doesn’t work like that.
Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result? That’s the definition of insanity.
So while you’ve probably made some mistakes, perhaps even failed in the past, follow Diana’s lead and her big secret to success…
…learn from your mistakes!
But here’s the problem…
In most cases, it’s NOT your fault you’re making the same mistakes.
Especially if you’ve been getting bombarded with TERRIBLE advice your entire life that basically guarantees you
will never lose excess fat quickly.
Here’s an example…
The “hardcore” ab workout I saw a personal trainer do with his client in Los Angeles…
It was at a popular (and very expensive) gym, and he was touting one of the biggest ab sculpting myths in the ENTIRE fitness world…
…One that is wasting your time and almost certainly keeping men and women overweight without even realizing it.
The #1 Ab-Sculpting Myth That Is Wasting Your Time
Here’s what happened…
First, the trainer got his overweight client to do a “lower ab” exercise (incline leg raises) to complete fatigue…then…
…immediately switch to an “upper ab” exercise (regular crunches), again to fatigue… and…
…basically went back and forth with horrible form for 5 whole minutes with NO rest.
What’s wrong with this ab workout, you ask?
Beside the fact he was using terrible form and these particular ab exercises are proven back breakers…
The simple truth is…
There is no such thing as upper or lower abs.
In fact, you couldn’t work ONLY your lower abs, even if you tried!
That’s why so many people struggle to get a flat, stomach… they spend too much time doing targeted lower ab exercises that only break your back.
You see, your abs are just ONE muscle: Rectus Abdominis.
Take a quick look at this pic below… See how it’s one muscle attached at your rib cage and pelvis?

(It’s one sexy unit folks…)
So why does this ab sculpting myth never go away, you ask?
Since the main job of the Rectus Abdominis is to flex the spine, it contracts differently depending on the exercise you do. And that’s why so many people get confused.
In any case, here’s the point…
You’re using your entire Rectus Abdominis muscle for EVERY ab exercise – just to varying degrees.
It should be obvious by now… but don’t listen to trainers who brag about upper and lower ab exercises… or waste your time with crunches and sit ups.
Now… I know you might be wondering what this story about Diana Nyad has to do with you shrinking your waistline and building toned or even 6-pack abs, right?
Following Diana’s incredible accomplishment, I discovered that I too had to learn from my mistakes…
You see, at this point in my life, I was a highly sought after personal trainer in NYC. But I had a number of new clients who were struggling to see the ab definition they so desperately wanted.
That’s why when conventional fat loss exercises didn’t work…. I knew I had to experiment and try something different… Which ultimately led to my discovery of a technique called “Metabolic Accelerators” or MA6 for short.
Now, what I had going for me was my scientific background and my education in Exercise Physiology, so I decided to create a science-backed fat loss method that did three things better than any other fat loss program available.
1) The workouts had to be short, since my clients were very busy people, just like you.
2) The results had to come fast, very fast – there was no way my client’s were going to keep training with me if they didn’t see a difference in their body shape.
3) My clients had to be able to workout anywhere, so I needed to create workouts that could be done even at home with only a pair of dumbbells.
After experimenting with several different variations of exercises and workout styles I stumbled upon a simple method that would work perfectly for people just like you who need to lose the fast quickly, didn’t have much time to workout out, and wanted to workout at home with practically no equipment.
I had created “Metabolic Accelerators” that not only burned massive amounts of fat and calories during a workout, but also kept on burning calories throughout the day by elevating your metabolism for maximum fat loss.
Once I discovered this FUN and addictive Metabolic Accelerator approach, I shared this trick with all of my coaching clients. And…
The results?
I Have Helped Thousands of Clients Worldwide
It wasn’t a magic pill or a “revolutionary new workout gadget”.
It was simple as this…
My clients simply used this addictive Metabolic Accelerators (MA6) formula to sculpt flat defined abs, and then maintained their new body with my fat burning hybrid metabolic training program to blast more calories and improve their core strength.
I’ll show you how to do the same thing on this very page…
They were having FUN with their workouts and stayed consistent with the program, just like I did. They NEVER did back-breaking crunches or boring cardio. Research even shows this approach does not work. In fact, you’re more likely to get injured. And…
“Kate has changed my life in the best way possible.”
“When I first came to Long Island Fit Body Boot Camp, I was 172 pounds and miserable. It was the heaviest I’d ever been and I was very nervous about joining a boot camp as I assumed I’d never be able to keep up. Before working out with Kate, I never really exercised. I’d go through usual cycles of joining a gym, going five times and then never going again.
Kate made working out fun for me, which I thought was an unachievable feat. I lost over 50 pounds, and also gained a confidence I’d never had before. I honestly mean it when I say Kate has changed my life in the best way possible.”
– Rachel Horner, New York, NY
Paul lost 25lbs in 12 weeks and Won $1000!
Before weight: 199lbs
After weight: 174lbs
“I started seeing results and started getting excited. Never had I felt the way I was feeling after being in boot camp for a while. I actually looked forward to exercising!
Instead of spending 45 minutes on the elliptical and even more time on weights bored out of my mind, I’m doing burpees, squats, push ups, plank exercises and more in a circuit that really gets my heart rate up, metabolism working and strengthening my muscles at the same time, all in a short workout! It’s the perfect style of training for a busy New Yorker.
It has completely changed my life. I look better, feel healthier, have way more energy, booming confidence and so much more motivation and courage than before. I’ve accomplished something I didn’t think was possible and now the sky is the limit!”
Paul Betz, 32, New York, NY
This truly is a real, sustainable solution to losing a bunch of weight and keeping it off forever. But more importantly, this training system will transform the way you feel about yourself… like it has with many of my clients, including Jen Theien and Kim Tebbs…
Busy Mom of Two Loses 18.1 Pounds and Gets Back to the Person She Was
“This past January I found myself in a rut. I needed to lose weight and feel better about myself… I started working out with Kate at the Long Island Fit Body Boot Camp, and not only did I find something I loved. I became addicted.
The boot camp workouts were extremely hard and intense in the beginning, but as soon as I started seeing results I kept pushing harder. I was becoming so strong, losing weight and the inches were melting off. I actually looked forward to exercising!!!
As a mom of 2, my life can be pretty hectic. This has been a perfect solution to get me back to the person I was.”
– Jen Theien, New York, NY
“Years of Treadmills and Miles of Walking and I Never Saw the Results I See Now”
Before weight: 185lbs
After weight: 166lbs
“It’s true that when you see results you want to keep doing more. Years of treadmills and miles of walking and I never saw the results I see now.
My body fat is going down. I am feeling better. I am sleeping better. Clothes that hang in my closet are starting to fit again. People are saying I look better. I am starting to feel more confident.
I’m motivated now. I don’t ever want to look back. I’m not sure why it took so long to find something that works, but this has. I’m hooked!”
– Kim Tebbs, 47, New York, NY
Now I know you’re wondering…
What Exactly Are Metabolic Accelerators?
Simple. Metabolic Accelerators are the BEST hybrid ab exercises in a circuit, with brief yet strategic rest periods, so you’ll not only get a stronger core but you’ll burn a ton of calories (AND have fun while doing it).
The best part?
It doesn’t matter whether you’re young, more mature, man, woman, a beginner, a veteran…You can use these Metabolic Accelerators to transform how you look and feel.
My Metabolic Accelerators will attack the fat, strengthen your core, and destroy your love handles at the SAME TIME!
Plus you’ll actually enjoy working out with me.
But it’s not for everybody, especially those looking for the latest quick fix, “no workout” solution.
But that’s not all…
Fact of the Matter is: You Can’t Do It Alone.
So what if I told you there is an even easier way to use Metabolic Accelerators to re-shape your body and burn hundreds of calories each and every workout that doesn’t involve expensive gym memberships or long workouts?
Can you just imagine how much more fat you’d burn?
Yep, a lot more.
Imagine showing up at your next party or family gathering with stunned looks on their faces.
As a woman, I can tell you one thing…
There is nothing more empowering than feeling in complete control of your weight loss and feeling strong, alive, vibrant, healthy and full of energy…
…not to mention how good you look wearing the clothes you’ve always wanted to wear, because now they fit and look stunning!
Now there are two ways that you can go about discovering the specific exercises that make up Metabolic Accelerators.
The first way is to spend 10+ years and tens of thousands of dollars studying from the top Exercise Physiologists…AND privately testing on your friends and family in hope of figuring out even ONE of my Metabolic Accelerators… so I hope you’ve got plenty of time and money.
You could save yourself the time, money and headaches and just use my proven step-by-step workout plan and strategies instead.
With My Simple Plan, You’ll Reach Your Goals FASTER with LESS Frustration
Today, I trust that you’ll make the smart decision that will save you time so you can enjoy your new sculpted body even faster.
In fact, I’m going to give you a step-by-step plan so you can start using these Metabolic Accelerators in literally the next TWO minutes.
My step-by-step plan leaves no stone unturned and the entire process “foolproof”. It’s so simple, all you have to do is press play and follow along! You won’t believe at how quickly your body can transform when you start using the workouts.
The step-by-step plan I’m talking about is…
This is the fastest and safest way to lose belly fat, sculpt muscle in all the right places and avoid the dreaded rebound weight gain. You’ll get the toned, sculpted body you’ve always wanted… guaranteed.
Here’s Exactly What You Get You Invest in the Metabolic Fitness Challenge:
First, you’ll get the entire Fat Loss Accelerators Video Exercise Library that will teach you the correct form and technique to crank up your fat burning… all delivered to you in High Definition (HD). I’ll show you exactly how to make any exercise easier or harder, depending on your fitness level.

Component 1: HD Video Exercise Library (Valued at $99.95)
- Over High Quality 73 HD videos demonstrations for every exercise in the program led by Expert Coach Kate Vidulich to coach you step-by-step on how to safely and effectively execute the exercises for maximum results. Because it’s not enough to simply do the exercises… you must do them right.
- These are perfect if you prefer watching live demonstrations rather than simply looking at still pictures.
- Step-by-step progressions suitable for beginner to advanced fitness levels
- And sooo much more…
By the way… I’m the most motivating, high energy coach you’ll EVER meet. And not in a cheesey way, either. I’m down to earth and real with you… No “fluff”. No BS. I’ll be right there with you showing you exactly how to lose fat with metabolic training, no matter how out of shape or inexperienced you are.
I’ll show you how you can break through any perceived limitations and achieve the body you’ve always wanted – in the least amount of time possible.
You see, since you’ve read this far and obviously want to look and feel better while becoming the best possible version of yourself…I’m going to offer you a no-brainer deal.
But that’s not all I want to give you.
You’ll also get exclusive access to the private VIP Metabolic Fitness Challenge Community where you’ll get DIRECT access to me and other members.
This is ONLY available to members of the Metabolic Fitness Challenge community.

Component 2: Exclusive VIP Community Access (Valued at $69.95)
- Ask questions, share your ideas and connect with like-minded people to become the most awesome version of yourself
- Get Feedback and Step-by-Step Guidance from Me
- Added Accountability and “Check Ins” from me and other community members
- And sooo much more…
Imagine getting customized feedback and advice from me in real time and dedicated to helping you become the best possible version of yourself…
If you were to hire me as your coach and train privately three times per week every month, you’d pay at least $2,100!
But I don’t even offer that anymore, so this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
In fact, I’ll even be available to answer any pressing questions you have… and provide an extra boost of motivation. Awesome, right?
This is ALL included when you join the Metabolic Fitness Challenges community.
You’ll also receive my unique…

Component 3: Metabolic Accelerators (Valued at $79.95 Value)
- 12 PROVEN Metabolic Accelerators for ANY fitness level (beginners, intermediate and advanced) that are targeted your tone and sculpt your Trouble Spots.
- On demand follow along HD videos that you can literally do anywhere: your living room, the park… even your hotel room…. be sure you’re doing every exercise correctly!
- Why thinking “You Need to Workout Every Day” is a big fat MYTH that will kill your results! (Fact of the matter is, when you exercise the way I show you in the Metabolic Accelerators video, not only will you sculpt muscle in all the right places… but flatten your stomach in half the time.)
- And soooooo much more!
Now, don’t worry I won’t just teach you a few techniques and leave you hanging…
You’ll get everything laid out for you, step-by-step, in the Metabolic Fitness Challenges Workout Plan…
Inside you’ll have special access to:

Component 4: Metabolic Fitness Challenge Workout Plan (Valued at $29.95)
- Brand NEW Workout Program Every Month designed to build on the one that came before, so you will be making awesome progress, month after month.
- The HOTTEST Fat Burning Workouts to help you lose fat, get strong and have fun at the same time (You’ll sweat so much, you’ll feel the difference almost instantly.)
- Discover how to get lean, sculpted and defined with these powerful 25 minute workouts. (only basic equipment is required)
- Designed for ANY fitness level! (Get ready to smash your plateau with this breakthrough program)

Component 5: Follow Along HD Workout Videos (Valued at $129.95)
In the Follow Along HD Workout Videos you will discover:
- In every workout video, you’ll be prompted when to start, rest and the suggested tempo, along with each exercise being performed LIVE right in front of you with complete expert coaching and instruction directly to your living room.
- Just follow the step-by-step instructions in the full follow along workout videos led by Expert Coach Kate Vidulich and feel the difference almost instantly. It’s suitable for beginners and advanced levels.
- I’ll be with you in real time, doing every single rep of every exercise, right there with you. Quitting is not an option when training with me!
- Each video can be streamed online or downloaded to your computer, iPad, iPhone or Android device!
- And sooooo much more…

Component 6: MFC Fat Loss Nutrition Guide (Valued at $69.95)
In the MFC Fat Loss Nutrition Guide you will discover:
- A simple and easy to follow 8 week nutrition plan you can use to safely shrink your waistline
- NEW delicious recipes for every meal made in less than 20 minutes. You don’t need to be a master chef or have a culinary degree!
- This is NOT a low-carb, calorie counting starvation diet. NO intermittent fasting involved. It is a healthy and safe way of eating for life that will help you safely lose the maximum amount of weight – week in, week out.
- And sooooo much more…
If you were to purchase each of these programs separately, you would pay over $479! But today, I’m allowing them to be included in the Metabolic Fitness Challenges.
When you join Metabolic Fitness Challenges today, you’ll know exactly how to do each exercise – and I’ll be right there with you in real time coaching you through every rep.
For results like those I’ve shared with you, I know I could easily charge hundreds of dollars for this system. (My clients willingly pay up to $200 for a one hour private session with me)
But that’s not the case at all…
You see, my company’s purpose is to help transform 5 million lives by the year 2020.
And I realize we’d be limited in our reach if we charged thousands of dollars. Which is why the entire Metabolic Fitness Challenge usually sells for $297. (Given the breakthrough information I’ve shared with you today, I’m sure you’ll agree that’s a bargain.)
But I know you’re an action taker, Who wants to look your best and feel more energy…
And so if you join right now through this special offer, I’m going to give you a chance to lock in an even lower price. In fact, it’s the lowest price we’ve ever offered.
You won’t even need to invest $99.95 and that’s just what I charge for the Metabolic Fitness Challenges Video Exercise Library.
By taking action right now…
Only right here on this page…
You’ll get instant access to the Metabolic Fitness Challenge for just $9!
You’ll receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge for a 14 day trial of only $9 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever wasting time with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships. After your 14 day trial, membership is only $47/month and includes next level Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, follow along videos for every workout, new fat burning recipes, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.
There is no-obligation to stick around, and you can cancel at any time… but hurry, this offer is JUST for those that qualify.
You Can Get Started Today For Just $9!
Just click the “Add To Cart” Button below to get started now:
That’s right…full access to this breakthrough fat burning system…
With NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.
You’ll NEVER get the results you want If you keep making the same mistakes over and over again!
I hate to break it to you… but you know it’s 100% true!
In fact, you’ve been getting bombarded with TERRIBLE advice your entire life that basically guarantees you will NEVER lose excess fat and build toned abs.
The reason is because most so-called experts have no idea how your abdominal muscles really work… and that you need to train your abs as a single unit if you want faster results. Not just the “lower” or “upper” muscle fibers.
However, if you follow Diana Nyad’s lead and learn from your mistakes…I know you can get in the best shape of your like and see a flatter stomach – even if you’ve failed in the past.
This means the only way for you to quickly and safely shrink your waistline is to follow the step-by-step plan laid out for you in Metabolic Fitness Challenges.
And for a limited time, you will get access to the entire fat burning system without having to risk a single penny.
Because I believe in what I teach and know that you will experience head turning results just like the thousands of people that I’ve helped in the past, I will not just promise life changing results – I will absolutely TRIPLE guarantee them…
Money Back Guarantee!
Introducing our “ZERO Risk” TRIPLE guarantee.
Guarantee #1: This Protocol Works For Any Age!
Even though it works best for men and women in their 30’s, 40’s,and 50’s, people in their 60’s and even their 70’s can use this system and get fast results. I guarantee you will see results no matter what your current level of health.
Guarantee #2: ZERO risk, Iron Clad 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try out this powerful system today! If you’re not fully satisfied, simply drop me an email anytime in the next 30 days and I’ll give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked.
Guarantee #3: Fastest Customer Support in the Industry
If you don’t receive HEROIC customer service and EASE of purchase, same guarantee… 100% of your money back!
I want to completely protect you with an iron-clad 100% money back guarantee so that you risk nothing to claim your new body with Metabolic Fitness Challenge today.
Sound fair enough?
Think about it this way: For less than the cost of a decent dinner out, you’ll gain access to all the cutting edge fat loss accelerator information I’ve shared with you today, as well as instant access to these special FREE bonuses.
But wait, there’s more….
PLUS, TODAY,But Wait, I’m Giving You 2 Major Bonuses When You Join the Metabolic Fitness Challenges So That You Avoid the Dreaded Rebound Weight Gain!!
And the best part? You’ll get it free!
Here’s the FREE BONUSES You’ll Receive Today…

The BIG Bonus #1: VIP Expert Interviews (Valued at $49.95)
In the VIP Expert Interviews:
- You’ll Get “VIP” Exclusive Access to Interviews with Elite Fitness Experts to Inspire and Motivate You to Become Your Best Self.
- Discover the Latest, Breakthrough Techniques and Research From the Top Personal Trainers in their field.
- Get an Insider Look at What Fit Pros Do For Their Personal Workouts.
- And much, much more!

The BIG Bonus #2: Mindset Classes (Valued at $49.95)
- Your Mindset is the #1 Factor That Will Determine Your Success. That’s Why You’ll Get Access to a Monthly Class with Life Tips and Strategies to Help You Strengthen Your Mind.
- Forget the cheesey self-help books! This is real deal and you’ll be able to apply these techniques to your life instantly.
- The FIRST Thing You Must Do Before Starting ANY Fitness Program (skip this… and you’ll more than likely fail)
- A tried and true way to overcome self-doubt. (This is not a “magic bullet” by any means, but it can get you on the right track fairly quickly if you’re struggling right now.
- And much, much more!
In short, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And so if you start right now through this special offer, I’m going to give you an opportunity to lock in an even lower price – for a limited time. In fact, it’s the lowest price we’ve ever offered.

The Best part Is That This Entire System Is Completely Downloadable, So Once You Invest In This System, You Will Get INSTANT ACCESS RIGHT NOW – No Waiting.
As you can see, the total value of the Metabolic Fitness Challenge is a whopping $579.60!!
By taking action right now…
Only right here on this page…
You’ll get instant access to the Metabolic Fitness Challenge for just $9.
You’ll receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge for a 14 day trial of only $9 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever fooling around with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships.
There is no-obligation to stick around, and you can cancel at any time… but hurry, this offer is JUST for those that qualify.
You can get started today for just $9!
Just Click the “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Started Today For Just $9!
Add it all up, and these FREE bonuses and discounts are worth more than $579.60!
After your $9 trial, membership is only $47/month and includes next level Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, follow along videos for every workout, fat burning meals, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.
Now is the time to action.
Don’t wait another day!
Looking forward to seeing you on the inside,
Kate Vidulich, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT
Exercise Physiologist
Author of Metabolic Fitness Challenges
Author of Fat Loss
P.S. Every second you spend now wondering whether or not to join is time that could be better spent shrinking your waistline with my Metabolic Accelerators. Don’t waste any more time! Join the Metabolic Fitness Challenges now while it’s fresh in your mind and start your transformation TODAY!
P.P.S. Don’t forget, there is absolutely ZERO RISK at all for you to try the Metabolic Fitness Challenges. You have 30 days to try out this powerful protocol and discover what so many others have – a fun, safe way to lose belly fat and sculpt muscle in all the right places. If you’re not completely thrilled with your results, simply send me an email before then and I’ll promptly issue you a no-questions asked refund. There’s literally ZERO risk.
Q: How soon will I get access to the Metabolic Fitness Challenges? Will I have to wait for you to ship me all this information before I can get started?
A: No! You will get access to the program immediately after your purchase in just minutes – and start using these NEW fat burning techniques today! No shipping fees, no waiting for results!
Q: I’m not in my 20’s or 30’s. Will this program still work for someone considerably older?
A: Yes. We’ve already had plenty of people in their 50’s and 60’s experience massive success while using the program. You can start at the beginner level and still make excellent progress. The program is designed to have you losing fat fast while increasing your metabolism – no matter what age you are.
Q: What equipment do I need for these workouts?
A: The workouts are designed with minimal basic equipment and some are bodyweight only. You CAN do these workout at home. Basic home gym equipment will cover it and no fancy expensive gear is necessary.
Q: What if I’m a relative beginner, or can’t do high impact exercises? Can I still use this program?
A: Yes! I wanted to make the program suitable for all levels of fitness so you can supercharge your workouts no matter what stage you’re at now. Every exercise has a low impact substitution, and I’ll show you exactly how to do every exercise in the follow along videos.
Q: What if the workouts are too hard?
A: Start conservatively. Take a longer rest between sets or reduce the number of rounds initially. Exercises can always be substituted, so send me an email and I’d be happy to help you.
Q: How soon can I expect to see results?
A: Depending where you are with your current training, you should notice results in the first two weeks. Some of my clients have lost 9 pounds in the first two weeks. By the end of your first month, you’ll have noticeable changes.
If you have any questions, please email me at
Get Started Today For Just $9!
You’ll get instant access to the Metabolic Fitness Challenge for just $9!
You’ll receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge for a 14 day trial of only $9 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever wasting time with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships. After your 14 day trial, membership is only $47/month and includes next level Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, follow along videos for every workout, new fat burning recipes, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.